What a great Fathers Day!! I'm not sure that it could get much better, according to Keith. Keep in mind, it started with a snake find in our front yard. UGH!!!! Snakes are one thing that I could live without. It gives me the
eebie geebies just thinking about it.
We were going for a hike on Sunday morning and Keith pulled the car out of the garage so that he could get
Oliver's ride down from it's hanging spot. He discovered a gardener snake in our driveway who was working on his tan. He decided it was time Oliver met his first wild snake. I found the two of them crouching beside it in aw. According to Keith, Oliver was
ooing and awing over the snake until I came and then it was nothing but "uh oh". Keith thought that was quite funny. I was proud and had nothing to say but "that's my boy!" He can think snakes are great but as long as he knows Mom isn't a fan and keeps them away from me then life will be good. They took it to some rocks near our house and let it go. Hopefully it is far enough away that it doesn't find its way back to our house. By the time Oliver and Keith made it back inside Oliver knew that a snake says "
SSSS". Great, just what I want to hear on a regular basis!
I imagine in this photo Oliver is thinking "Ya, cool snake Dad but I'm not sure that it's a great idea to let Mom know that we like it."

Later in the morning we headed out to Matthews / Winters Park for hiking. This is the same hike that I thought was Hamlin hike 2 weeks ago but I was mistaken. We are trying to condition Oliver to like the back pack. He isn't a fan but Keith discovered that if he keeps talking to him then Oliver doesn't complain too much. We also have to keep moving so all of our photos are action shots. Occasionally, I sing a song or two to keep him entertained. I'm not sure that my singing entertains anyone but my own son. Here are a bunch of photos from the hike.

As Keith and Oliver were passing by the trail below me I had them stop for a QUICK photo. The Red Rocks Amphitheater is in the background.

The hike was a big success!!! Oliver made it all of the way around the 4.2 mile loop. He was in the back pack for 1.5 hours and then we let him walk the last portion. He was quite the trooper and hopefully this is a sign that he's getting better in the pack. It was great to get out and enjoy the Colorado sunshine and the view. It amazes us that we live in such a beautiful place and this trail is only 10 minutes from our house.
After lunch and
Oliver's nap Oliver enjoyed some quality story time with his Dad.

Thank for being such a great Dad, Keith. Oliver is a lucky kid to have you. Just don't teach him to put snakes in his pockets like you used to do to your poor Mother.
1 comment:
I'll have to show Shena this snake. Ick!!
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