The past several weekends Keith and I have been pouring ourselves into work and chores. We have decided that we need to re-adopt the practice of one day for family and one day for chores. We keep hoping to keep work in the Monday through Friday time frame but sometimes is sneaks into the weekend. This past weekend we took time to play both Saturday and Sunday and we loved it. Saturday we went on the Hamlin hike. It is just off of I-70 and C-470 near red rocks and is only 10 minutes from our house. It was a beautiful
morning for a hike.

Hiking is serious business, you know.

Keith and Oliver near the top.

We tried to take a family photo but had the zoom out too far. It's too bad because I like this picture of Oliver. He has his serious face on but I still like it.

Oliver scoping out the lines on this flower (weed).

Family Photo

Keith and Oliver on top of the rocks

Shortly after we
took some photos near the top Oliver started having a melt down and wanted out of the pack. We scurried down so that we could get to a place that he could get out and walk. We didn't quite make the whole loop but we are hoping to do that soon if Oliver is up for it.
Even in Colorado, we have a touch of the desert.

Since Oliver was no longer riding his pack mule, I took over carrying the pack, kid free!

Almost to the bottom
Oliver checking to see that Momma was close behind

At the bottom of the hike is a little creek that Oliver enjoyed checking out.

Even the toughest of hikers tucker out and need a nap. I couldn't resist taking his picture. It's the first time I've tried it but I figured it was safe since he was passed out.
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