We spent the afternoon at the zoo. It was a nice sunny day and we had a great time. I love the zoo in the spring. There are are always new baby animals and the animals are ready to perform. I know, they are probably performing for mating season, but it makes for an exiting visit. The big hit this time was the bears. The black bears were splashing and swimming in the water. The grizzlies were pacing and playing. Oliver loved it. He also liked the penguins and sea lions, which we were just in time for the sea lion show. Another big hit was the birds. There is a bird exhibit that you can walk into and the birds fly all around you. It is also a good place to get pooped on, which we managed to avoid. Just like last time, Oliver also liked the geese and the peacocks. There were several goslings and it was fun to watch the mom and dad geese with their babies. One set of parents were teaching their one gosling to move along
through the park. It was quite cute. I'm not sure who the peacocks were trying to impress since we only saw one female, but we saw at least 8 peacocks with their feathers fanned out. It was quite exiting. Oliver even saw a peacock strut right in
front of the stroller and he really got a "birds eye view" of the big bird.
This is Oliver loaded up and ready to roll in his hat from his Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Brian and cousins Lauren and Kaden. It is special from Sheridan, WY. I think he wore it proudly and it really showed off his blue eyes!

We missed feeding time for several of the animals. However, we had our own feeding time at the zoo!
So happy to have a belly full of apple sauce!
Keith and Oliver, showing off Oliver's shirt. He truly does have the Worlds Greatest Dad. How many Dads do you know that would change a diaper in the back of the jeep AND feed apple sauce at the zoo?!
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