Sunday, March 23, 2014

Martin Boys for the Afternoon

Last weekend we had the Martin boys over for an afternoon of fun and sun.
It was great that the weather was so nice as we spent the entire afternoon outside.  Keith pulled out the directors chairs that our neighbor gave us and the little boys highly enjoyed sitting amongst the perch.
This kid is a killer.  He cracks me up!
While Cole is cracking jokes, Kellan is very serious about his snack.
Meanwhile, Keith was teaching the big boys some of his favorite childhood games that he used to torture his brothers with.  Oh, Boys!

It was fun to see the little boys chatting it up on their directors seats. 
Based on the rate of their growth, I'm not sure that they will be the little boys forever.

Keith and the big boys moved onto another game, hangman.
We determined that while hangman is fun, it's not really politically correct to hang a man.  Really, who thought that was a good idea way back in the day?
We had a fantastic afternoon with the Martin boys in the hood.

1 comment:

Jedi Mama said...

YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!!!!!! The green Nike, football T-shirt is BACK IN USE!!!! That one was one of our favorites! OH, MY! I'm just sitting here at my computer, grinning from ear to ear to see one of MY BOY'S shirts on YOUR BOY this time around! Too dadgum cute!

Also... I want to move to your cul de sac and protect Oliver and Kellan from "the games Keith and his brothers used to torture people with." I want to arm them with Nerf guns and be right there, ready to help them battle your husband all the time. The sad thing is, I imagine MY BIG BOY will be fighting on Keith's side, seeing as how he ADORES your man.

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