When I talked to my Mom this weekend, she said that she was wondering what I was up to. She hadn't heard from me or seen any blog updates. My response... "OH, What a Week!"
Of course there is work, but I'll spare you those details.
I'm not sure that I've blogged much about Oliver's health, but for six months now he has suffered with RAD (Reactive Airway Disease). This is now what they call asthma in young kids because RAD they can grow out of but once they are labeled with asthma it is for life. His pediatrician referred him to an Asthma and Allergy specialist, who we went to see last Thursday. They were great! However, some of their findings weren’t so great. We found out that Oliver is highly allergic to cats and dogs and having Madalyn in the house may cause respiratory issues. They also said that he may have a sinus infection, which may be causing respiratory problems. That night and the next day were stressful and tearful thinking that we had to find a new home for Madalyn. Not only is Madalyn our family pet, she has been with me for fourteen years through several moves across three states, relationships, roommates and apartment living to house living. She also has asthma herself. Is she allergic to us? Even though she was given a clean bill of health at her recent wellness exam, she is still high maintenance with medication and regular vet check-ups. Friday afternoon we got the results from Oliver's x-rays that he has a major sinus infection with his whole right side blocked and most of the left. This put Keith into fast planning action. He knew that moving the cat out could be a disaster on the home front. That night he installed an air purifier in Oliver's room and installed a baby gate at his bedroom door to keep Madalyn out. He also contacted our vet friend who hooked us up with some lotion for Madalyn to keep the allergens down. We also started Oliver on antibiotics and twice daily breathing treatments to help build up his lung strength and knock out the sinus infection. Our current theory is that even if he has an allergy to Madalyn, we can manage it and the sinus infection is causing more respiratory problems than anything. We'll be keeping a close eye on the little guy to make sure our theory is accurate. If not, you may be getting a call to adopt a cat. You'll just have to expect frequent visits from us.
Here are a couple of photos I took of Oliver being tested for his allergies. He was a Super Trooper!!!
Even with all of the poking and prodding, Oliver was in great spirits, as he always is. We are in great wonder as to what kind of a great mood he'll be in once he isn't walking around without a sinus headache every day.
Oliver has always been very cooperative about taking his medicine. Thankfully, they make the medications for kiddos taste yummy. It helps Mom's and Dad's do their job of getting it in. If only they could make Madalyn's asthma pills taste like tuna or something. Hmmm....
Friday afternoon we received a call that Keith's GrandDad passed away at 93 years old in Sheridan, WY.
He will be missed very much by all who know him.
For many years to come, we will reminisce about Pop's stories. He always had a way of making everyone laugh and feel special. He has more pride of his family that anyone I have every known. It makes me feel honored to be a Hamilton. My favorite statement I ever heard him say was that he "hasn't had a good day since the day his wife died". It makes me a little sad, but I think that in that one statment it sums up the big heart he has and how much love that he shared. I never had the pleasure to meet Keith's Grandma, Nanny, but I'm confident that Pop is with her and good days are here again for them.
Here is a photo of Pop with Oliver in July 2008.
Pop with Oliver in September 2009.
Saturday, we all needed a little fresh air and sunshine. There is nothing like a walk to the park on a sunny Saturday afternoon in November. Remember, last weekend we were surrounded by 2' of snow.
I can't say enough how wonderful Keith is. He's a keeper!
Saturday, at 3:15, on our way back from the park, I told Keith I would really just like a night out. He recommended I call the neighbor girl to baby sit. REALLY? Wow, this was unplanned and impromptu. WAHOOO!!! As luck would have it, she was available. In an effort to do something that we can't do with Oliver, we went to Macaroni Grill and had appetizers and drinks at the bar. Followed by a movie, Couples Retreat, complete with popcorn and soda. The evening was just what the doctor ordered. THANKS KEITH!!!
Sunday, we took Oliver to the zoo to explore all of the animals he has been learning about all summer.
On a side note, Oliver has not adjusted to the time change and we have all been getting up at 5 AM. UGH!
I guess that is why he had a cat nap on the way to the zoo. I just love how cute he is when he's sleeping in the car.
It was the craziest thing. When we pulled into the zoo, there was a car that had just caught fire. We parked and watched the events unfold. The police came flying in and blocked off the road we had just driven on. The fire trucks came screaming in, firemen jumped out, assessed the situation, put on masks, pulled out water hoses and took out the fire. WHOA NELLY!!!
Meanwhile, in the backseat...
Oliver was in a sweet slumber
It amazes us daily what Oliver learns. Once of his many favorite things right now is "choo choo" trains. SO.... we took a ride on the Ponderosa Express at the zoo.

Don't ever let Keith fool you into thinking he doesn't like his picture taken. The bum took a picture of himself taking a nap while Oliver and I were on the train. What a nut!
Oliver LOVED the zoo. We were amazed that he identified nearly all of the animals without prompting. His new favorite is the monkeys. He couldn't get enough of those crazy guys.
Who needs the zoo when you have a Grizzly Bear for a Dad?
Oliver spent much of the visit pointing out all of the animals and saying "see Mommy, see Daddy".
We topped the week off spending time together as a family and giving thanks that we are all together. Even after the heaviest of weeks, it brings peace to our heart, smiles to our faces and big belly chuckles just being together.
1 comment:
Great pictures - always - ya know, maybe Madalyn is allergic to Oliver... Hummm Glad the little guy is feeling beter.
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