Oliver's birthday came early with a gift of this new bike. Since the weather is unpredictable in mid-October, we gave this to him early so he can enjoy it before it starts to snow. Who knows.... it could snow today.

Oliver's feet don't quite reach the pedals so Keith pulled him down the street so that we could go and say hello to the neighbor.

Bikes aren't just bikes these days, they come complete with a major dashboard with every bell and whistle.

Oliver loves his new bike so much he even got to ride it in the kitchen this morning. He didn't move far, he is still mostly excited about all of the buttons.

This morning I noticed Oliver copying Keith.
Keith was laid back on the couch with a pillow behind his head.

Oliver jumped up in his chair and put his balloon behind his head like a pillow.
Oliver demonstrating the features of his new bike
He's such a little 'guy' now
Rio likes the new toy and says "he can talk now?" and awsome... RIO
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