The first order of business was a stop by Target for a few items, including new bouncy balls for the boys. Rio and Oliver LOVED these balls and you can see the cart was filled to the rim.

Keith, Carrie, Oliver, Shane and Rio
Saturday morning Grandma introduced Oliver to the garden and he came out with a fresh carrot, plant and all.

Later Saturday morning we took Oliver to the Valley fair. Mom and Dad have lived in the same house since 1978, only a few miles from Valley and we had never been to the Valley fair. It is very small but it is a great place to show Oliver some farm animals. He LOVED it!
Keith and Oliver checking out some cows. Every time the cow would "moo" Oliver would "MOO" right back, a little louder each time.
This is what we found in the pig pen. It's not every day that you see a kid sleeping with a pig that is bigger than him. He sat up after I took the picture (I guess he wasn't sleeping after all). I asked him what the pigs name was and it is "Snuggle Bunny". How perfect!
There was even a baby exotic miniature cow from India. Well.... it was from right down the road, but these cows are from India according to the owner. Oliver really enjoyed petting the month old cow.

For lunch we ventured up to Waitts Lake. Usually the beach is packed but I think the cooler weather and Valley fair kept the beach clear of people. After lunch we went out to check out the water. When I was a kid it was a big deal to spend a day on this dock working on my tan.

After Oliver's nap we discovered the peas growing in Grandma's garden. I had forgotten how good fresh peas from the garden were. Oliver discovered them for the first time. Yum! 

Mmmmmm Peas!!!
Oliver enjoying Grandma's sand box in the back yard Sunday morning.

Shane, Jerry and Carrie
Dad, Jerry, Carrie, Oliver, Keith and Mom
Sunday afternoon we took Oliver into Spokane to go to Riverfront Park. He LOVED feeding the ducks and geese.

Oliver enjoyed playing on the slides in the little people playground.
A view of the Spokane River
Family photo above the Spokane River.

If you are wondering, Keith really was riding. Check him out!
Good times! Oliver is such a great kid - guess thats cuz he has great parents... Come back soon.
That Keith is such a kid! Looks like a really fun trip!
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