Today's a big day, Trente Y Tres!!!
(Inside story... a few years ago we were in Mexico during our friend Bryan's 33rd birthday and the theme phrase of the weekend was "trente y tres")
Keith and Oliver have been fabulous about making it perfect. A nice low-key weekend with rest and relaxation, a night out with friends, home made breakfast on Sunday, afternoon pool time, dinner at Macaroni Grill tonight, iPod to feed my electronic communication and music addiction and the list goes on. Today, was like any other Tuesday at work but it was immediately brightened when a gorgeous bouquet of yellow roses arrived to brighten my office and day. A little hint, Oliver's favorite color to say is Yellow. He says it much like YeLLoWWWW!!!! So Cute! Thank for a great birthday guys! It wouldn't be the same without you!!!
(Picture below taken with the new iPhone. Nice!)

Tiramisu! Finger Lickin' Good!!!
Notice above how nice and neat the cake is.
Notice below... It is demolished! Oliver managed to wipe it out in no time at all.
MMMMmmmmm So Good!!!!!

Notice below... It is demolished! Oliver managed to wipe it out in no time at all.

Not quite a weekend in Mexico, better!!!
After dinner we walked next door to Barnes and Noble. I wanted to get Oliver some Potty books. It seems he is too young to potty train but he talks about it a lot lately, knows where the potty is and connects "poop" with the potty. Ok, probably too much information for many readers, but it's the facts of life. I figure that we could start talking more about it and make a trip to the store this weekend to get a potty. There are a couple of kids in his class working on potty training, maybe he is interested. I'm thinking we should seis the moment!!

While at Barnes and Noble, Oliver was in heaven with all of the books. Without prompting, he pulled out the book "How to Talk to Girls" and sat down to read it. Keith and I thought it was hilarious and had to take pictures. Watch out Ladies! Oliver is cute, charming and now he is equipped with skills .
To save the best for last, my gift from Oliver. Unknown to me, Keith has been working on Oliver saying "Happy Birthday Mama" for weeks. We haven't had much luck getting a clear video of it but here is Oliver giving it a shot, with a finishing mumble over Keith's shoulder. Tonight it was coming out "Happy Birthday To You". YAY!!! I loved it!!! I'm thinking by Keith's birthday in October, Oliver will have this one mastered.