Last weekend we were frolicking in the park while the sun tanned our skin. Today, we were home early for a snow day! Oliver's school closed at 11:00 due to the weather conditions which means that I was home with him early. Keith left work at 11:00 and didn't get home until 2:00. Yes, 3 hours to do a drive that usually takes about 30 minutes without traffic. Throw in traffic, closed roads and detours and it turned into 3 hours. The snow has slowed down quite a bit but according to the news we have 10" in Littleton. It doesn't seem like that much but the wind is blowing it around a bit.
Since we FINALLY got some snow, we took Oliver outside to check it out while Keith shoveled the drive way. I think it took more time to get ready to go out than we were actually outside, but it was worth it. We've had Oliver's snow gear since the first of the year and we have yet to have a chance to use it.
Oliver was quite exited to put on all of his new snow gear!

Wow! Those are some big boots! Keep in mind, I bought these boots before he was even walking and we knew what size he wore. They are a 6 and he is a 5. They were a little big but he got around in them just fine.

Oliver wasn't too thrilled with the cold snow blowing on his face. This was suppose to be a cute snow shot but instead he kept his face buried.

We spent some time standing in the garage so that Oliver could get used to the weather and watch Keith shovel. After a while, he warmed up to the idea of exploring the great outdoors.

He even let a smile or two slip out.

Eventually he warmed up to the snow, but he made sure to keep it off of his boots. He kept bending over and we couldn't figure out what he was doing. Then, we realized he was brushing the snow off of his boots.

After we brought him inside he ran around and felt quite frisky with his first personal snow experience under his belt. Keith found him later, warming himself by the fire with his drink of choice, water.

Oliver showing us where his belly is. He will also show off his nose, but that usually entails his finger going UP his nose. EWW!!!

Don't you just want to reach out and give that belly a tickle?

Oliver admiring the snow.
I have had people ask if his legs are really as short as they look or is it just the picture. Yes, they are really that short. His pants are ALWAYS too long for him. He has a really long torso and short legs. We have confidence that there are great things in store for him. Remember, Michael Phelps has short legs which the Olympic commentators contributed to his swimming success.

Short legs or not, we love him!
No kitty at the door? I bet she isn't too happy with this snow.
What a fun day for Oliver! He's ready for snowy river with that gear.
Oliver looks so cute in all his snow gear! Where are his ski's? LOL
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