Oliver, out to lunch! He is starting to hold his bottle on his own. I let him know that if I would have put my feet on the table when I was a kid, I would have been in SO much trouble. Of course, Grandma and Grandpa just thought it was cute. It must be nice to be the grand kid! Well, maybe at 5 months I would have gotten away with it too!

Oliver flirting with Grandma

Oliver's first sink bath. It was a little shocking for him at first, but he settled right into it.

Keith and our nephew and godson, Rio. It has snowed every day that we have been here so they had to go outside and test out the snow. It turned out to be good snow ball snow, which made for a lot of "guy" time fun.

I am starting to think that you've been using Photo Shop to copy and paste the exact same sweet smile on to every picture of that cutie that you post.
Believe it or not, we had snow Friday too! I LOVE the picture of him bathing in the sink. All of Hazel's baths lately are in our sink and she loves it, especially the faucet when I turn it on and spray her little head.
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