Keith and I had a chance to go out last night to the Mammoth game and we took advantage of having Melanie babysit Oliver to go out on the town after the game. It was a much needed night out and we had a great time with friends. We met at the Blue Sky Grill in the Pepsi Center and on our way from the restaurant to the arena we ran into the mascot Woolly. (Get it, woolly mammoth). We HAD to get a photo with him. The game was a good time, but unfortunately the Mammoth lost. After the game we went to The Tavern Downtown where they play great dance music, including favorites from the 80's and 90's. It was a great night with friends topped off with some good dances to great music. On the way home Keith and I talked about how we missed Oliver. I don't know that he missed us much since he was sound asleep in his crib most of the time we were gone. He was happy to see us this morning and we had a great day shopping around. For Oliver, we topped today off with a bath, naked time on the floor, practice rolling over, jumping in his jumperoo, rice cereal and off to bed. By the way... he could care less about the rice cereal but we give it a try every now and then. He seems more interested in what we are eating than the rice.
Jen, Wooly, Carrie and Katie
Carrie, Jen and Katie at the Mammoth game.
Our season tickets are in row 4 and 5 behind the goal.

Keith and Carrie at the Mammoth game.

Carrie and Keith with a cameo appearance by Craig in the background, all at The Tavern Downtown.
I thought this was cute of Craig and Jen
Keith, Carrie, Jen and Craig at The Tavern Downtown
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