This past Sunday I was 28 weeks pregnant with only 12 weeks to go! The time is going so fast and before we know it, our new little guy will be joining us in the big world. I had my check-up on Monday and everything looks great. It was a quick 10 minute appointment with nothing but good news. I go to the Dr every two weeks for the next two months and then I move to weekly appointments as the time gets closer. I'm feeling good and doing well. I have occasional lower back pain, but nothing major. It's kind of funny that Oliver was always high in my belly and this baby is always hanging low. He is a mover and shaker also. Oliver was slow fluid movements. This one is high action with pokes, jabs, kicks, punches and occasionally all of the above a the same time. I'm curious to know if this is all a sign of what is to come. We will find out very soon!

As always, Oliver love to jump in the photos too.
Ahhh... a kid after my own love of photos! Or... is it the "Ham" coming out in him. Maybe both.
Here Oliver is giving the baby a little pat. Just in the last few days he has an opinion on what we should call his baby brother. Up to this point he has had no opinion. The other day we thought he was saying Pierre. Today we thought maybe he was saying Peter. Finally, we got it right, according to his response. Oliver would like to name his baby brother Pia... or is it spelled Pea or maybe Piya? However it is, he has stuck with it for a few days. We'll see if it evolves. I'm not sure that we'll be putting that on the name list anytime soon. You never know, it could grow on us :)