It appears that spring has sprung in Colorado. Things are turning green and the sun is shining more than snow is falling. Oliver had a fun filled weekend that began with his first balloon from Red Robin. He loved it! On Saturday, he had his six month check up. He weighed in at 17 lbs (50th percentile) and 27" long (75th percentile). We also now have proof that he is advanced and has an over achieving brain. His head measured at 18" which is the 92nd percentile. Check out the big brain on this kid! Saturday was so nice that Oliver sat in the grass for the first time. He also sat upright for more than a few seconds while he was in the grass. He is still working on sitting up on his own on the living room floor, but he is getting better and better at it every day.
Oliver with his first balloon from Red Robin

Oliver experiencing grass for the first time. He loves being outside in the sunshine.

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