Rub-a-dub-dub, a big belly in the tub!Oliver chillin' in the tub.
Another demonstration of all of his hair. I couldn't get it to stay down tonight, so I let it fly free!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Oliver's Weekly Photos
Girls Weekend in Aspen
I spent this past weekend in Aspen with some girl friends. Keith and Oliver had a guys weekend at home. I think they'll enjoy the Father and Son weekends more once Oliver is a little older, but they survived without Mom for two nights.
Jen, Jessica (From Connecticut), Michelle and Sue (both from Chicago) and I went to Aspen on Friday. It was my first trip there and we had a great time. It was off season so we got good deals and the town was fairly quiet. We spend Saturday at the spa where we soaked up a treatment, the steam room, vapor caves, hot tub and the oxygen lounge. We had to head back early on Sunday because the girls had early flights out. The weather was great and we had a fabulous time. I don't think we saw any famous people, but we were famous in our own mind. Oh - The Aspen High School Prom was at our Hotel. It may sound lame, but we had a good time people watching on Saturday night as people came and went. Jen pointed out that nobody was wearing a purple sequin dress with purple stockings and purple shoes, like what she wore to prom. HA HA!!
I just liked this picture. This is looking up from our lobby. We stayed at Hotel Jerome, which was built in 1896 (if I remember correctly).
I found it highly entertainng that the Fire Department in Aspen couldn't afford to put up new letters on their building. We found out the next day that it is scheduled to be demolished.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Touch of Spring

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Weekend in the Mountains
Oliver's first night in a hotel! No Problem!!

Good Morning, Dad!
Craig and Jen at Keystone
Carrie and Jen at Keystone. It was a chilly day.
I was SO happy to see my little munchkin after skiing.
Oliver loved playing with Jen's ski pass. Maybe he was dreaming of having his own someday.
Jen and Oliver at Kickapoo
Hanging out, watching it snow.
Playing Games
Carrie, Oliver and Jen
Jen teaching Oliver to mambo. Are they ready for Dancing with the Stars?
Resting after the big dance
Breakfast in bed.
The drive home was beautiful. Here are a few photos through the car window of the continental divide, right before the Eisenhower tunnel.
After Oliver attempted to eat our food several times this weekend, we decided it was time to start giving him real food. Here he is enjoying some peas. He got right after them and has been eating them every day since.
I think he LOVES peas!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Day at the Zoo
Keith and Oliver checking out the animals.
With the arrival of Oliver, skiing feels like a thing of the past (for now, anyway). Today we became zoo anual pass members and I have the button to prove it. Does this mean we traded in our ski passes for a zoo pass?
Oliver loved watching the peacocks strut by. We knelt down to check one out that was under the tree.
Oliver and Carrie by the Yak's. It was quite sunny and Oliver's head was getting warm so we traded in the sun glasses for a safari zoo hat. Oliver was much happier with the new hat that kept the sun off his head and out of his eyes.