On Sunday we had Oliver's first birthday party. It turned out to be a perfect day. We had moved it from the weekend before because we were all sick. The weekend before only a few people could attend and it rained all weekend. This past weekend, almost everyone could attend and we had sunny weather with temperatures in the 70's. It was a perfect day for little O Man!
As you probably know from past posts, Oliver LOVES balloon's. So, it only seemed fitting that the theme of the party was balloons, 34 to be exact.

We ordered cupcakes from Sugar Bomb and they were delicious!

This is Oliver and Ian. I'm not sure why, but Oliver kept leaning on Ian. Crazy kid!

Oliver and Noah checking out the fire truck.

I didn't know that Oliver was such a mooch until Phil came along with snacks. Instantly,
Oliver was Phil's best friend.

Check out this great picture that Keith took of
Jin at the water fountain in the backyard.

Oliver with his gifts.
He picked up this blue balloon and didn't let go through gifts, cake and all the way until we took him back inside the house.


All kids on deck for opening presents!
Since Oliver is still learning the skills of opening presents, we recruited the help of his older friends. They were more than happy to lend a helping hand in opening gifts.

I love this picture of Oliver leaning on

Oliver with his buddies; Noah,
Jin, Evelyn and Oliver.

Happy to be One!

Singing Happy Birthday!

Oliver was all business when it came to eating a cupcake.

Evelyn enjoying some ice cream.

Shawna and Ian.

Girl Party!
Jin and Abigail.

chillin' in the grass.

Carrie and Oliver after the party.

The next night Keith has some toys to put together and Oliver was on hand to help.