Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend in Sheridan

This past Memorial Day weekend, we spend time with the Hamilton family in Sheridan, Wyoming. Keith's Grand Dad passed away late last year and we all headed up to Sheridan for his Memorial on Monday.

To start the weekend, Stephanie (sister-in-law) threw a baby shower for Lindsey (sister-in-law) and myself. Lindsey is due only eight days earlier than I am, also with a little boy. It was a wonderful evening and I was so grateful for Stephanie for organizing a great time.

Carrie and Lindsey at the restaurant Oliver's for the shower.
The gals at the shower:
Aunt Donna, Aunt Patty, Mother-in-Law Jacquie, Sister-in-Law Lindsey, Me Carrie, Sister-in-Law Stephanie.
Lindsey and Carrie with our baby bellies.
The sister-in-laws
Lindsey, Stephanie and Carrie
Jeff and Lindsey have a great dog, Daisy.
Oliver fondly refers to her as Daisy Dog.
He liked checking on her while she was napping to give her some extra snuggles.
The weekend started off cloudy, cold and rainy.
By Sunday, the sun came out and it started to warm up a little. Some of the guys went out golfing and they stopped to say hi when they were on the 6th hole, right behind the house. Oliver loved it!
We decided to hop in to ride the next two holes and then Oliver and I walked back to the house. Oliver got to ride in the cart with Papa and Uncle Jim, which he Loved!
Future Golfer!
Sunday afternoon, relaxing on the porch. Keith, Jeff, Oliver and Daisy Dog.
Sunday night, Cousin Lauren read a book to Oliver and Cousin Kaden.
The three Hamilton cousins.
By Monday, the weather was fabulous. Warm and sunny. A perfect day for Pop's memorial in the backyard.
Oliver spent some time in the morning hot roding around Nana's yard.
Nana bought this new tee pee for the kids to play in and they loved it.
Oliver and Lauren in the tee pee searching for bugs with the bug finding kit.
This photo cracks me up. Somehow, Oliver managed to convince the other kids that they should pull him around in the wagon. Eventually, Kaden jumped in too. As they were flying by, I snapped this photo. Everyone is hard at work and Oliver has his parade smile on.
As they swung around, I asked for a photo. Immediately, this was the pose they struck. I couldn't have planned it better myself.
Lauren, Luke (Keith's cousins son) Oliver and Kaden.
The Hamilton Family
Keith, Oliver and Carrie
Brian (Keith's brother) and Stephanie
Jeff and Lindsey
Keri (Jenni's Daughter), Aunt Patty (Jenni's Mom) Jenni (Keith's Cousin) and Doug (Jenni's Husband)
Uncle Jim and Donna (Jenni's Dad)
Bill and Jacquie (Keith's parents)
Luke (Jenni's son), Kaden and Lauren (Brian's kids)
Family Photo - Carrie, baby-in-the belly, Keith and Oliver.
The two babies-to-be
Carrie, Lindsey and baby bellies.

1 comment:

Anne M. said...

Looks as though you all had a very happy family reunion. And gosh dang, that Oliver kid is cute!

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