Friday, April 24, 2015

Peas and Pumpkins

When Grandma and Grandpa were here, we had to go to Home Depot to pick up a few things for the installation of the new cook top.  While were were there, Oliver mentioned that he would like to grow something from a seed.  Grandma jumped right on this and convinced us that we could definitely grow a mini garden.

Oliver picked out peas and when we go home, he was anxious to put them in the dirt.

Kellan wasn't quite as anxious to plant seeds as he was to put together a new lego set from Grandma and Grandpa.
His new lego was a parrot, which he found to be quite amusing.
You just never know where the parrot will land.
Eventually, he decided to plant his pumpkins.  Kellan's pumpkins will start in these pots and then we'll transfer them into the ground.  Oliver's peas will live happily ever after in their current pot.
Now, a little TLC, wait and see.  Hopefully in the fall we'll have Peas and Pumpkins.

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