Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snow Storm Results

The day after the storm passed, Keith went outside to clear the sidewalk and driveway and do a quick favor of measuring the snow.  It's hard to tell from the photo but there were 22" (even if it may look like 21").
Keith was a trooper and took a few photos of the snow, it didn't hurt that it was a photo of the massive pile of snow he shoveled.
Nice and Clean, just the way we like it.
Hey, is it possible to shovel that straight?
Thanks to the great neighbor, he came by with the snow blower to help Keith out.
After a bit of shoveling we all enjoyed a warm breakfast of pancakes.  Kellan is demonstrating what happens when you give your 1.5 year old pancakes for breakfast with a dab of syrup.  He dips his fingers in it, licks them and then runs his fingers through his hair.  Isn't that what everyone does?!
Kellan LOVES wearing hats.  He often points brings us his hats saying "hat, hat, hat" while patting on his head.
Finally, we got the kids outside.
Oliver was quick to jump right in.
There is nothing like practicing the breast stroke in a snow bank.
Keith worked on clearing the drainage line for the water as the snow was melting quite quickly.
Oliver was busy scooping up snow...
... to eat it!
Kellan was very happy to be outside, in his hat!

The snow storm was fun!  Watching the sun come out to warm us up was welcome as well.

1 comment:

Jedi Mama said...

Honey, this is my third comment on this blog regarding that sock monkey hat. It is a whole big world of ADORABLE!!

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