Monday, August 22, 2011

Oliver Goes to Pre-Kindergarten

Three years and five months ago, we dropped Oliver off at the Primrose School for the first time ever.  He was only eleven weeks old.  Now, at nearly four years old, he walks in as a Pre-Kindergartner.  We are very proud of how much he has grown.  We have moved from carrying him in with his bucket (car) seat to watching him bust in and cruise the hall like he owns the place.  It has been fun to watch him meet friends and grow with them from infant through the toddler and pre-school years and now well on their way to Kindergarten.  We have also watched our United credit card miles grow from nearly nothing to enough to take us all to Texas this Thanksgiving.

The morning began as they all do, with a snack and a drink on Mom and Dad's bed.  I can't tell if the photographer is getting two sets of stink eyes for taking photos at 06:30 or for standing in front of Curious George on the TV.
Dad asks "If you're ready to go to school, raise your foot!"
Oliver is one foot excited.  Pre-Kindergarten is exciting, but basically he thinks it is just another move up in the same school that he has always been in.
Kellan is SO excited that he raised two feet in the air.  He knows that it's hard to pass up a morning with Miss Alice.
The Oh So Handsome, Mr Hamilton.
Oliver giving the grand tour to his new Pre-Kindergarten classroom.
Oliver putting away his backpack on his new hook in his new classroom.
"Come on Mom, I'm smiling.  Take the picture, Pllleeeeaaasssseeee!!!"
Ah, a quick Mother Son photo.  This is one proud Mama!
Congratulations on going to Pre-Kindergarten, Oliver.  We are SO proud of you!

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