Saturday, April 16, 2011

Macs and Crawlies

We've done it!
We've taken the leap from a PC to a Mac.  We still have the PC desktop but we are now the proud owners of a Mac laptop.  So far, we love it.  It's been a tough transition since they are so different, but from what we know so far, we are glad we are making the transition.
At the Mac store, they have a table set up with games for kids.  It kept Oliver entertained for a while.

Our new toy, charging up to prepare to be put to the test.
That same day, I sent Oliver outside to find bugs for his new bug trap that he got at the Butterfly Pavilion.  I headed upstairs to put Kellan down for a nap and Keith was working on the fence in the back yard.
When I came downstairs, I was greeted with more than I was expecting.  Oliver and Keith found a snake and put it in the bug trap.   Oliver was SO excited.  He said the snakes name was Oliver.  
Keith said he stopped him from running upstairs to show me, which was his plan.  I'm SO glad he didn't make it that far.  I would be much happier if snakes didn't live anywhere near our yard.

Oliver enjoyed the snake so much, he gave him a squirt gun bath.

 After a while, Oliver and Keith took Oliver (the snake) down the road and released him in a bush.  They found another snake in the bush and Oliver (the kid) was excited that Oliver (the snake) would have a friend.  The friends name was Dad.
Later that afternoon, Kellan was crawling all over the house.
Sometimes, Kellan finds himself in tight spaces that resemble a jack knifed truck and trailer.

1 comment:

Jedi Mama said...

Two things, Darling.

1. Once you get a Mac, you'll say, "PC who?" Because your PC will be dead to you, simply because the Mac is so friendly and vibrant and out-going and charismatic and plum wonderful.

2. I would get rid of any boys who catch snakes. I would offer to house them for you while they looked for a new permanent home, but they are now SNAKE CATCHERS, and Snake Catchers cannot live at the Jedi Manor. Period. Snakes = HORRIDNESS.

Have a wonderful day!

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